Friday, March 11, 2011

My Journey to becoming a Famous Director

Let me start by saying that the video from Presentation Zen was truly interesting and informing about Walt Disney--and the fantastic movies that filled my childhood. Storyboarding seems fun, so I can't wait to fill my next sketchbook with frames for my upcoming videos. Here are my ideas for the assignments:

Personal Video
My time in the host culture of Spain has been a time of personal growth and increasing independence. Besides being caught in an entirely new infrastructure that is the big, foreign city of Barcelona, I have had to do more independent travels which have required a great deal of planning and preparation. I would like to include these different aspects of the new lifestyle (including the routinely used public transport, excessive walking, ignoring the plethora of cat-callers) and the experiences outside of the city which have brought me to the point that I am at in this moment.

Professional Video
For this video, I would like to discuss the densification of the city and the loss of public space. Urban planning is an important factor to the history of Barcelona, ever since the destruction of the old medieval wall--which brought the rise to the utopian "Grid" by Cerdá.

Social Issue Video
For this particular assignment, I feel it could be important to shed light on issues of urban densification and its resulting displacement of populations--some of which may have lived in their respective homes for decades. The neighborhood of Bon Pastor, a residential area of Barcelona, is in the process of tearing down homes where the residents had lived there for over 20 years. The single floor homes, with their own yards and good community interaction, are systematically replaced by blocky high rises. The worst part is that the current residents have no idea where they are going to go.

1 comment:

  1. I, too, enjoyed the Disney video!
    Your ideas sound very interesting. I like how they all seem to relate to one another as well.

    Good luck on your journey in becoming the next big hit director!
